This Marble tiled floor was installed in the corridor of a very smart block of apartments in the Victoria area of Central London. The corridor was the main access route in and out of the apartment block and was constantly being used by residents, as a result there was a lot of foot traffic and decorators had contributed to the state of the floor which was now looking worse for wear with dirt, varnish and paint spots. Having struggled to get it clean the managing agent was considering replacing the floor, that was of course until the contacted us.

Cleaning Marble Tiled Floors
To remove the paint and varnish we used Tile Doctor Remove and Go which is an effective coatings remover designed for use on most types of tile and stone, we left it to soak and penetrate into the floor for 45 minutes before scrubbing it into the floor with rotary machine fitted with a black pad scrubbing pad followed by a hot water rinse to remove the cleaner. We followed this with the application of 1 to 4 dilution of Tile Doctor Pro-Clean again scrubbed in with a scrubbing pad; Pro-Clean is a Cleaner and Stripper so this step removed any remaining sealer and dirt from the Marble floor. Last step was to wash the tile down again to remove any chemical and neutralise the floor.
Polishing Marble Tile
The floor was now clean and just needed polishing to get the shine back, this we did with a set of diamond encrusted Burnishing pads which are and designed for use on Marble and Limestone. They come in different colours each one is a slightly finer grade and work to close up the pores and bring up the shine. Cleaning and polishing took up all of the day so left the day.

Sealing Yorkshire Marble Tile
We came back following day and sealed the floor with two coats of Tile Doctor Ultra Seal which is a premium, no-sheen, natural-look sealer that penetrates into the floor and will work to protect the floor going forward. You can see from the photographs how the combination of the burnishing pads and sealer and really made a difference in the floor.
Source: Mable Tiles Cleaned in Victoria, Central London